WE ARE A FAMILY FRIENDLY FACILITY.  We will not tolerate inappropriate language, excessive roughhousing, or disrespect to our employees.  Please clean up after yourselves and be courteous to all of our members.

  1. Must I have a membership to come to Antietam Pool?
    Yes. Antietam is a membership pool only.
  2.  How do I get more information about your pool?
    Our website is antietampool.org
    Our Facebook page is Antietam Swimming Pool.
    Our email is [email protected]
    Our office phone number is 610-779-5240.
  3. Must I live in a certain area to join the pool?
    No.  Our membership is open to everyone.  However, you may only vote at our October General Membership Meeting, hold an office or be a board member if you live in Exeter Township, Lower Alsace Township, Mt. Penn Borough, or St. Lawrence Borough.
  4. Do you sell day passes?
    No.  Antietam is a membership pool only.
  5. How do I join the pool?
    There are 2 options.  Join online by going to our website and click on 2024 Online Membership.  Payment is thru PayPal, or stop into the pool office to join.  We accept cash, checks, money orders, credit/debit cards, or Apple Pay in the office.  Please bring the driver’s license of all adults (18+) on the membership with you to the office.  The address on the license needs to match the address on the membership form.
  6. Do you have payment plans for memberships?
    No. Memberships need to be paid in full at the time you join.
  7. Do I need a photo ID and how do I get one?
    Yes.  All members age 4 and up need a photo ID to enter the pool.  ID’s are scanned upon entry so please have yours ready each time you enter.  If you are a new member or a returning member who cannot locate your ID, stop in the pool office for us to take your picture for your pool ID.
  8. May I reuse my old photo ID card?
    Yes.  At the end of the season, we deactivate all memberships.  As people join for the new season, we reactivate their membership, so your previous card will work.
  9. What if I can’t find my photo ID card from last season?  What if I lose my card?
    If you cannot locate your card, or it needs to be replaced, we will do that once a season for free.  If you lose the card we provide you with during that same season, the cost is $10 for a replacement card.
  10. What memberships do you offer?
    We offer Family (1 or 2 adults + 1 or 2 children), Two Adult (18+), Single (18+), and Senior (60+) memberships.   All adults (18+) on a membership must live at the same address and address verification may be requested.  Unmarried children living at the same address up through age 22 can be considered children on a family membership.  More information is available on the member info page on our website.
  11. Can I smoke or vape at the pool?
    No.  We are a smoke free facility, so no smoking or vaping inside the gate.  We do have a designated smoking area outside the gate near the garage door with a bench and receptacle.
  12. May members bring guests?
    Yes.  Guest fees are $15/person on weekdays and $20/person on weekends and holidays.  We do not charge for children 3 and under.  Your guest may arrive after you but you should meet then at the gate to sign them in and pay.  You must stay at the pool with your guest the entire time they are there.  Members under age 18 may only sign in adults (18+).  Your guests are your responsibility. Antietam Pool reserves the right to limit guests at peak times. Payments for guest fees may be either in cash or by card/Apple Pay.
  13. When does the pool open and what are the pool hours? 
    We open the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and close at 8PM on Labor Day.  We are open daily from noon to 8 PM, weather permitting.
  14. Do you have WiFi?
    Yes. The network and password are posted in the office window near the gate.
  15. What is your storm policy? 
    Everyone must leave the water for a period of 30 minutes when we hear thunder/see lightning.  Any reoccurrence adds another 30 minutes.  People should seek shelter in their vehicles or under the overhang by the office and bathrooms.
  16. Do you have an area for small children?
    Yes.  We have a baby pool for ages 6 and under plus their parents.  We also have a 6 and under section denoted by blue/white buoys in a section of the main pool near the baby pool.  Children that are not toilet trained must wear swim diapers while in the water.
  17. Is there a concession stand? 
    Yes.  Our concession stand is operated by Fresh Frenchy’s in Mt. Penn and they accept cash payments only.
  18.  May I bring my own food/drinks to the pool?
    Yes. No alcohol. No glass containers.  Please clean up your area and put your trash into the trash cans before you leave. We do not allow open flame grilling.
  19. May I have food delivered to the pool?
    Yes.  Meet the delivery person at the gate.
  20. Must my child take a swim test to go in the deep?
    Yes.  To be a swimmer at Antietam Pool, all children must take a swim test which is swimming the length of the deep with a good strong freestyle stroke, breathing to the side, and not stopping until reaching the far wall under the supervision of one of our lifeguards.  All new member’s children age 17 and under and all returning member’s children who have not already passed our swim test must take the test prior to being allowed on the catwalk/in the deep/off the diving boards.  If your child would like to take the test, please talk with a guard when you enter the pool area and they will arrange for your child to take the test.  Guests of members may also take the swim test.
  21. What can I wear to swim?
    Swim suits are required.  No casual shorts or jeans are permitted.  We are a family-family facility, so thong suits are not permitted.
  22. Can I store my chair at the pool?
    Yes.  The cost to store your chair in our chair room for the season is $25 payable in the office.  We will give you a tag to put on your chair.  Any chairs in the chair room without a 2024 tag on them will be removed. Please remember to take your chair home at the end of the season. If you store your chair, please be respectful of others’ property as well.  Chairs are stored at your own risk.
  23. Do you offer swim lessons?
    Yes, to both members and non-members.

    • Group Lessons – We will be offering group lessons beginning the week of June 17.  Group lessons run weekly – Monday through Thursday with Friday left open for a weather makeup day only if needed.  Group lessons are offered either at 10 AM or at 6 PM – you must come at the same time each day.  Level 1 lessons (beginner) are 40 minutes daily; Level 2 and 3 are 60 minutes daily.  An adult may come with their child and sit away from the pool edge to watch the lesson.  Cost is $50 per week for members/$60 for non-members.  Payment is by cash, check, or debit/credit card in the pool office; your child’s spot is only reserved once payment is received. Children should bring goggles, if available, and a towel.  We require a minimum of 4 to run each class.  Should we not reach that number, we will call you to reschedule for a future week; otherwise, your payment will be returned. Sign-ups begin in the office on June 1.
    • Private Lessons – Private lessons are 30 minutes and cost $50 for members/$60 for non-members.  Sign up by clicking on this link: https://www.digiquatics.com/accounts/5359/private_lessons/new  and completing all information.  An instructor will contact you to schedule a date/time convenient to you both.  Payment by cash, check, debit/credit card in the pool office is due at the time of the lesson.  An adult may come with their child and sit away from the pool edge to watch the lesson.  Children should bring goggles, if available, and a towel.
    • Parent/Tot Classes – Miss Patti will again be teaching classes during the weeks of June 17, June 24, July 8, and July 15.  Lessons run weekly – Monday through Thursday, with Friday left open for a weather makeup day only if needed.  Children will be grouped by age — 6-18 month olds and 18 months-3 year olds.  Please select your time that fits with your child’s age.  We will take signups for 6PM classes and will run classes if there is enough interest – age range may vary by week.  Swim diapers are required for any child not completely potty trained.  Private lessons are available if requested.  Cost is $50 per week for children of members and $60 per week for children of non-members.  Adult is expected to go into the water with their tot, so please dress accordingly.  Sign-ups will start June 1.  Call the office for further information.
  24. What are the pavilion parties?
    The pavilion is available to members only for parties.  Please stop in the office to pick up a pavilion reservation packet.  You must reserve a date/time for your party – we do not schedule more than 1 party at a time.  There is no charge to rent the pavilion, however, we do ask that you pay guest fees for anyone invited who is not a member (we do not charge for guests age 3 and under).
  25. What are the hours for the Olympic Pool?
    The Olympic Pool is open from noon – 8, just like the main pool.  The time blocks for various groups to use the Olympic pool are posted on our Facebook page (Antietam Swimming Pool) and at various places around the pool area, but are subject to change.  Olympic pool use is limited to lap swimming and water walking.  Occasionally, due to swim meets or other nighttime events, the Olympic Pool will not be open.  These times/dates will be posted.  During swim team season, the swim team has practice on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, but there will still be lanes available to members for swimming/walking.
  26. Does Antietam Pool have a swim team?
    Yes.  Please go to our website and click on the Swim Team tab.  You can go to the Swim Team’s website from there.  Swim team practices in the mornings and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  There are 5 dual meets on Monday nights (3 home; 2 away) during the 2024 summer season.  Our pool will also host the Antietam 10 & Under meet on Saturday, June 29 in the Olympic Pool.
  27. Can I get a refund for my membership? 
  28. May I bring my animal to the pool?
    No animals are allowed inside the pool area during the pool season which ends September 2.  We do hold our annual Dog Swim the weekend after the pool closes (2024 date is September 7).  By that point, the chemicals will be out of the water so it is safe for the dogs to swim.  Please check Facebook or our website for additional information.
  29. Is the rec center available for rentals? 
    Yes.  We are booking for future dates.  Please check our website calendar or email us at [email protected] if you want to see if the date you need is available.  The rental application is available on our website on the rec rental page – https://antietampool.org/center-rental/.  When we have received your completed rental form and $200 deposit, we will reserve your date.  Rent is due 30 days prior to the event date.
  30.  Do you sell swim caps/lotion, etc?
    We sell lanyards for photo IDs in the office for $1 each.  We do not have any other items for sale.

Please help us keep our facility family friendly by letting us know right away if you see or hear anything inappropriate so we can address the issue. 

If you have any questions not answered above, please contact the pool office at 610-779-5240 or email us at [email protected].

Thank you!